dulu Hyun Joong,, trus K Will,, skarang Jo Kwon 2AM yg kena virus H1N1..
wakilnya Jo Kwon udah konfirm klo ia bner kena swine flu,, ini dia kata2 wakilnya di telephone ::
"Jo Kwon had been having severe fevers and cold symptoms since last week, so we went to the hospital to get him checked to make sure he didn't have swine flu - but the results were not as good as we'd hoped, and it has been confirmed that Jo Kwon has swine flu.
trus besoknya wakilnya blg "The hospital was a bit busy and they released the results for his test a bit late, but he took Tamiflu and his health has gotten a lot better. He's in much better condition now and is currently resting. The other 2AM members are being tested for swine flu as well."
karna oppa kena h1n1,, Jo Kwon jadi ga bisa ikut di konser2nya 2AM krna harus istirahat dan ga menyebar ke anggota 2AM lainnya..
wah oppa,, smga cepet sembuh ya !!!!
2AM jdi sepi kalo ga ad oppa..
hwaiting !!!!
credits : allkpop,, 2ONEDAY forums
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